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The mission of Letters for Change is to promote friendship, understanding, and community through providing a letter service for inmates in prison.


I recently became acutely aware of the need inmates had to be loved and supported by members of the community. I decided to start writing a few inmates to show my love and support; to show them they are remembered. This became an uplifting experience and I felt blessed to be able to see more into the character of changed individuals. Their lives inspired me.


My experience with writing letters occurred at a time of increased negativity towards offenders in the media. I was worried this negativity would form societal perceptions of inmates that would lead to them to being ostracized by the community. This shift in the media as well as my desire to help more people but limited capacity to do so, lead me to the idea of Letters for Change.


Our organization acknowledges that people are in different places in their transformation process (whether for inmates or for people living outside prison who are transforming their views). Wherever people are at in their lives, friendship is always a beautiful place to start building understanding and supporting change. Letters for Change hopes to unite communities. Thank you for your involvement in this process.


- Deborah Masterson, Executive Director

“In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is power to do it.”

M. Williamson

Contact Us

Letters for Change

210 S. Thompson St., Ste #6

Springdale, AR 72764

(801) 921-2638


Registered Charity Number : 82-4748773

© 2021 Letters for Change

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